Smoke Alarms

Who’s watching over you while you sleep?

Safety first! Smoke alarms may seem a boring necessity, but they are equally as important to us as having the right switchboard.

Across Australia having a smoke alarm in your home is LAW. In NSW, all new installations MUST have at least 1 smoke alarm on each level of the house. These alarms MUST be photoelectric, 240V with battery back up and they must also be interconnected with other alarms in the house. In existing premises, where you are unable to interconnect with existing alarms or install 240V alarms, we recommend using a 10 year lithium battery smoke alarm, which have no serviceable parts.

These laws are soon to be tightened to follow QLD where they will be required to be installed in each and every bedroom.

It is imperative that you check your smoke alarm on a monthly basis by pressing the test button. Batteries must be replaced on a yearly basis.

The Element team can provide you with a smoke spray, which is something we believe is a much accurate tester of the alarm’s functionality.

You and your family’s safety is our first priority. Talk to us today to make sure your smoke alarms are working to protect your home.